The Trick to Cleaning a Dog Bed
Dog beds can be a great pain to keep clean and maintain. Your dog’s hair will cling to his/her bedding, and dirt and bacteria from his/her coat and paws will cover the bed in no time. That’s why every owner needs to know how to wash a dog bed, even if it’s too large to fit in the washing machine.
According to the International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene, you should wash your pet’s bedding at least once a week. To some pet owners, this sounds like a lot of work. It’s definitely something that you should consider when shopping for a dog bed, as some beds are easier to wash than others.
When washing a dog bed cover, put it in a separate load by itself. Follow the washing instructions exactly. If you cannot find instructions on the dog bed’s tag, look on the company’s website. It’s also important to use a pet-friendly washing detergent.
According to Martha Stewart, there is a tip to cleaning a dog bed without any fuss and saving you time. Check the You tube below:

Baking soda and bicarbonate of soda are the same things, just with different names. Baking soda tends to be the American name, while in the UK and in Australia we tend to call it bicarbonate of soda. Meanwhile, baking powder, although also used to make cakes.